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★★★★★485 Reviews: #Sweet #Cake >> Smaller than normal #Blueberry Mousse #Cakes with Mirror Coating

★★★★★485 Reviews: #SweetCake >> Smaller than normal Blueberry Mousse Cakes with Mirror Coating 

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This time the cake is very delicious, it tastes sweet, crispy, and soft mixed into one and makes it very delicious. This cake is highly recommended for your sweet food lovers.

And you can make it yourself at home because the ingredients are easy to obtain and also still natural.

So, let's make this dish at home feel the sensation and adjust your taste ...


For Blueberry Gelée: 

  • 1/2 containers (8 ounces) blueberries 
  • 1/4 container granulated sugar, isolated 
  • 3 teaspoons lemon juice, partitioned 
  • 1/2 sheets leaf gelatin* 
  • 2 tablespoons water, in addition to additional for sprouting gelatin 

For Cake: 

  • 2 substantial eggs, isolated, at room temperature 
  • 1/4 glass granulated sugar, partitioned 
  • 1 tablespoon milk 
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond remove 
  • 1/4 glass in addition to 2 tablespoons (40 grams) cake flour 
  • 2 tablespoons (15 grams) almond flour 
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine ocean salt 

For Mousse: 

  • 3 sheets leaf gelatin 
  • 1/2 glass blueberry purée 
  • 1/2 glass mascarpone cheddar, at room temperature 
  • 1/4 glass granulated sugar 
  • 3/4 glass whipping cream 
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla concentrate 
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond separate 
  • squeeze fine ocean salt 

For Mirror Coating: 

  • 6 sheets leaf gelatin 
  • 1 glass sugar 
  • 2/3 glass corn syrup or glucose syrup 
  • 1/2 glass water 
  • 1/2 glass improved dense milk 
  • 7 ounces great quality white chocolate, finely slashed 


To make the blueberry purée and gelée: 

  1. Join blueberries, 2 tablespoons sugar, and 1/2 teaspoons lemon squeeze in a little pan. Convey to a stew over medium warmth, crushing berries marginally as you mix, until blueberries are relaxed and blasting. 
  2. Exchange to a blender or nourishment processor (take alert when mixing hot fluids) and purée until totally smooth. You ought to have 1 measure of blueberry purée. 
  3. Measure out 1/2 measure of purée and spot again into the pot. Put the rest of a container or hermetically sealed compartment and refrigerate it for some other time (you will require it for the blueberry mousse). 
  4. Cut gelatin sheets into 1-inch strips and submerge in cool water for something like 5 minutes to mollify. In the case of utilizing powdered gelatin, sprinkle 1/2 teaspoons more than 2 tablespoons of cool water. 
  5. Include remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice, alongside 2 tablespoons water to the pot with purée. Warmth until it marginally starts to bubble. 
  6. Wring out mollified gelatin with your hands, crushing out as much water as you can (for powdered gelatin, simply add it straight to the container, fluid whatnot). Add to pan with warm blueberry blend and rush until totally broke down. 
  7. Empty blueberry blend into 1-inch silicone circle molds. On the other hand, you can utilize a material lined cake or heating skillet (around 8 crawls in size). Line with the material, leaving handles overhanging the sides to take into account simple expulsion of the set gelatin. You'll cut 'coins' of gelée out of this bigger piece, rather than utilizing little half-circles in your cakes. 
  8. Refrigerate medium-term until totally set, at that point delicately expel from molds (it may solidify for 20 or 30 minutes to make the circles less demanding to evacuate). 

To make the wipe cake: 

  1. Preheat stove to 350 degrees F. Line a quarter sheet container (around 13-by-9-crawls in size) with aluminum foil or a silicone preparing mat; oil or margarine foil (material fills in too, however, I thought that it was wrinkled the cake a bit). 
  2. Spot egg yolks in a bowl; overwhelmingly rush with 3 tablespoons of sugar until helped in shading. Speed in milk and almond separate. 
  3. The filter in the cake flour and almond flour; include salt and overlay until simply joined. 
  4. In a perfect bowl, whip egg whites until foamy. Include remaining 1 tablespoon sugar and beat until whites hold medium pinnacles. Overlap 1/3 of whites into the player blend to help, at that point rub the hitter blend into the bowl with the whites, collapsing until simply fused and no unadulterated white streaks remain. 
  5. Empty hitter into arranged sheet dish spread into a flimsy, even layer. Heat for 9 to 11 minutes or until cake is supple to the touch and marginally beginning to obscure around the edges. Let cool totally. 

For the blueberry mousse: 

  1. Cut gelatin into 1-inch strips and submerge in cool water to mollify. 
  2. In the interim, rewarm held 1/2 glass blueberry purée in a pan over medium warmth until it is by and by smooth (whisk it vivaciously to separate any residual lumps left after refrigeration). Wring out water from mellowed gelatin and add to warm blueberry purée; race until smooth. Put aside and let cool to tepid. 
  3. In a bowl, whisk room temperature mascarpone with sugar until smooth and glue like. Include tepid blueberry blend and rush until smooth. 
  4. In a perfect bowl or the bowl of a stand blender, beat substantial cream until it holds delicate pinnacles. Include 1/3 of cream to the blueberry blend and overlay to help, at that point add the whole blueberry blend to the bowl with the cream and overlap until completely consolidated. 
  5. To amass your cakes, spoon or pipe the mousse into silicone molds, not exactly the whole distance full. Delicately press a gelée circle, bent side down, into the highest point of each mousse-filled shape. Rub with a counterbalance spatula to make the best superbly level with the highest point of the shape. At last, cut out rounds of wipe cake the very same size as the base of the molds and press onto the highest point of the mousse. Stop something like 3 hours or medium-term until totally firm. 
  6. Before you make the coating, expel cakes from molds and spot on a solidified treat sheet fixed with material paper. Come back to cooler until just before coating. 

For Mirror Coating: 

  1. Cut gelatin into 1-inch strips and submerge in cool water for somewhere around 5 minutes to diminish. Spot white chocolate in a warmth verification bowl and put aside. 
  2. Consolidate sugar, corn syrup, and water in a pan and heat to the point of boiling over medium warmth until sugar is totally broken up and blend is clear. 
  3. Expel from warmth, at that point include gelatin (press out however much water as could reasonably be expected first) and race until disintegrated. Speed in improved dense milk. Pour hot blend over slashed white chocolate and let sit for 30 seconds, at that point mix until chocolate is totally dissolved and blend is smooth (you can likewise utilize an inundation blender on the off chance that you have one to assist this procedure, simply make an effort not to blend air rises into the coating if conceivable). 
  4. Give coat a chance to cool, mixing infrequently, until coating achieves roughly 95 degrees F on a moment read thermometer. The coating should be the right temperature or it won't frame a thick enough layer outwardly of the cakes. 
  5. At the point when the coating comes to 95-96 degrees, include powder or gel sustenance shading as wanted. Darker hues will in general look especially hitting with this coating method. You can likewise partition your coating up into different hues and afterward whirl them on the off chance that you'd like. 
  6. Expel cakes from cooler and spot on a material lined treat sheet, raised off the sheet utilizing little containers or dough shapers (in a perfect world something littler in distance across than the cake itself so the coating can dribble off). You may likewise need to remove little adjusts of cardboard (I utilized an old bread kitchen box) to put under each cake to make them simpler to exchange. In the event that you have more than 6 or 8 singular cakes, I prescribe working in two groups. You can generally rewarm the coating in the event that it gets excessively cool (do as such delicately over a twofold heater or in exceptionally short interims in the microwave). 
  7. Pour coat liberally over cakes, taking consideration to guarantee there are no uncovered spots left. Enable the abundance coating to dribble off for 5 or 10 minutes, at that point tenderly rub the edges to expel any residual drops. Cautiously exchange cakes utilizing a little balanced spatula to cardboard cake rounds or little bits of material paper for simple development. Any remaining coating can be scratched up and refrigerated in a water/air proof compartment for later use. 
  8. Coated cakes will keep in the fridge for as long as 5 days. Let come to room temperature before serving.

Thank you for visiting my blog, enjoy it and have a good try

Click ==> Original recipe here :
